Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of SCM, SCM, SD, SD, EFQ, EFV, SD2, EFK, SDK

File Type:ICQ Sound compressed sound scheme
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:Sound scheme file used by ICQ instant messenger.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:

With more than 400 million instant messages sent and received every day, ICQ has been known to the online community as a messaging service. Today, a little more than a decade after the first ICQ instant messaging service was launched it has become much more than just that.

ICQ is a personal communication tool that allows users to meet and interact through instant messaging services such as text, voice, video and VoIP as well as various entertainment and community products.

File Type:Spanish Whiz scrambled game sound file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:Sound file used by Spanish Whiz.
Open Programs:

Spanish Whiz

Company / developer:

Spanish Whiz

Spanish Whiz is for you if you already know some Spanish and want to expand your vocabulary, pronunciation and listening skills. Includes exercises, dictations, games, a dictionary and short, easy to understand explanations. Very complete coverage of the Spanish language.

File Type:Entropic sound data format
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:Entropic Research Laboratories used a proprietary file format for its WAVES+ display program, ESPS signal processing library and the HTK hidden Markov model speech recognition toolkit. WAVES+ and ESPS were withdrawn when Entropic was acquired by Microsoft in October 1999.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

Do conversions from the about 260 audio related file formats that it can read (no kidding - you read that right - approximately two hundred and sixty!) into any of the 125 or so audio file formats that it can write! No other software even comes close to such a wide format support!

File Type:Sound Designer I file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:8, 16-bits mono sound format.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

Do conversions from the about 260 audio related file formats that it can read (no kidding - you read that right - approximately two hundred and sixty!) into any of the 125 or so audio file formats that it can write! No other software even comes close to such a wide format support!

File Type:Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 instrument file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:Individual Ensoniq instrument files have an extension .EF?. The third letter ? in file extension means type of Ensoniq synthesizers.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

File Type:Ensoniq VFX-SD instrument file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:Individual Ensoniq instrument files have an extension .EF?. The third letter ? in file extension means type of Ensoniq synthesizers.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

File Type:Sound Designer 2 file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:8 or 16-bits, mono, stereo sound format.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

Do conversions from the about 260 audio related file formats that it can read (no kidding - you read that right - approximately two hundred and sixty!) into any of the 125 or so audio file formats that it can write! No other software even comes close to such a wide format support!

File Type:Ensoniq KT instrument file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:Individual Ensoniq instrument files have an extension .EF?. The third letter ? in file extension means type of Ensoniq synthesizers.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

File Type:Roland S-550/S-50/W-30 disk image file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:720KB floppy diskette images for Raland S-5XX series. 12 or 16-bits mono sound format. Contains, loops, names, fine-tunes, lfos, envelopes, layers, instruments, collection, multiple filter types.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

Do conversions from the about 260 audio related file formats that it can read (no kidding - you read that right - approximately two hundred and sixty!) into any of the 125 or so audio file formats that it can write! No other software even comes close to such a wide format support!

File Type:Roland S-7xx series floppy disk image
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:1,44 floppy diskette images for Raland S-7XX series. 12 or 16-bits mono sound format. Contains, loops, names, fine-tunes, lfos, envelopes, layers, instruments, collection, multiple filter types.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

Do conversions from the about 260 audio related file formats that it can read (no kidding - you read that right - approximately two hundred and sixty!) into any of the 125 or so audio file formats that it can write! No other software even comes close to such a wide format support!

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC